Ogweno Emmanuel

photograph of me

8 May 2022

"The Journey of a thousand miles..."

Hello and welcome to Ogweno.Robo_Dojo, a place where I’ll be documenting my activities in the JKUAT Robotics Dojo program running from May to December. From concepts learnt, sketches, builds, to on-the-spot photoshoots, you’ll have it all. My name is Ogweno, and I am a second-year undergraduate mechanical engineer at the Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology in the field of mechanical engineering. Mechanical engineering is my thing, really. Of more interest are the fields of fluid mechanics (my numbero uno), mechanics of machines, and thermodynamics. I’m generally rally interested in applying these topics in the design various machines and mechanical systems in any field. Early this year I got to be selected for the Robotics Dojo which aims at training students in Robot development and research. As part of the Dojo, different teams will also fabricate robots for a competition. As earlier stated, engineering mechanics is one of those fields I adore and I am looking to learning a lot in robotics, from software and analysis to finally fabricating and testing the designs. The dojo also provides an opportunity to interact with students and professors from diverse engineering backgrounds and fosters collaboration. This blog will serve as my de facto documentation for the whole experience. Weekly progress reports (from May to December), galleries, and a rant on the challenges faced and possible solutions are some of the things to expect. So, join me in this journey of exploration and pray with me that my team wins big! 😊