Yo soy Ogweno Emmanuel, and this is my beeswax. Back in my childhood days I saw a photo of an astronaut floating in deep space tethered. It made me curious and I started noticing machines around me: planes flying by, cars and motorcyles and ploughs turning the earth. In class seven I watched Iron man and Spider-man and by the time Doc Oc was turning over a new leaf, I was sold on science, on Mechanical Engineering.
It didn't take me long to figure how huge Engineering is and that it will forever be a learning experience. Even so, I have my areas of interest the greatest of which is Fluid Mechanics. This is obviously cause we spend all of our lives immersed in a fluid (and I have an unnatural attraction to water). Studyng the behaviour of fluids in our environment and their interactions with solid matter is my lifelong goal.
Other topics in mechanical I invest in too include Material Science, Mechanics of Machines, and Thermodynamics. These topics are quite wide and I know I'll probably contiue studying them my whole life, that's why I adopted the mantra E.L.B.E.
E.L.B.E stands for Explore, Learn, and Build ENgineering. It captures my motivation in Engineering; to explore topics, learn their intricasies, and from that knowledge build things. I feel this is the core of any engineerring field and human civilization. After all aren't we merely explorers of infinity in the pursuit of absolute perfection [Hardy].
So what's this website about? Dicovery requires experimentation[Daniel Whitehall]. This is what I'm doing in my campus years: working on projects, researching topics, and writing about them. From Fluid Mechanics simulations, robotics, RC planes, animations of mechanisms, Julia algorithms, Machine Design, to Origamis.
This is what I do.
Articles on engineering research topics and discussion of completed and ongoing projects​.
Computer algorithms to solve engineering problems and a few off the topic.
Virtual analysis of engineering designs and experimentation with different design choices.
Little fun stuff to lighten the mood.
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